The Shed
a few months back I saw a posting on Facebook
my old friend TJ Morton had just finished a shed project with a friend
TJ was all stoked about the finished project
it looked super pro

this got TJ and I talking 
I asked TJ how much a it costs to build a shed like that
TJ gave me the numbers for the materials
then I asked how much for labor
to which TJ replied, "pizza and beer"

I can afford pizza and beer
so.. I asked TJ if he wanted to help me with my shed project

TJ was available and interested
TJ has a nature that is not often found in people 
TJ likes to do people favors
he is a project guy


and well...
this shed is a project

there was a shed in the backyard...
that shed was small and had a hole in the roof
there was a foundation for a larger shed
so- instead of the original 10 X 10 shed
we would expand to the footprint of the 10 X 20 foot shed

going from a pitched roof to a flat roof
and then...
instead of coating the exterior with plywood
we would be covering the exterior with OLD DOORS
yes... old doors

it has been a process...
as I have come to understand
these things take longer than expected
I have also come to understand that I am not a carpenter and TJ has knowledge and skills well beyond my abilities

so.. although the build is taking longer than anticipated
TJ is taking care and concern to levels I would never be able to attain

thanks TJ!

the frame is up!
we have a good percentage of the sides covered
and... the rafters for the roof are halfway done
this is all coming together
there are still a few more complicated tasks
the doors... the actual doors and a window that opens and closes 
these things still need to be done
and well...
I could slap boards\doors on the side of a framed wall
but "hanging" doors?
"racking" the building?
well... again... I defer to TJ

Thanks TJ!

and thanks to all those that have donated doors...
trying to only buy what I have to!
One Man's Trash is another Man's treasure!
people have been very generous with their doors

amazing how many new never used doors I have received
doors from 2020 and doors from 1920!

resources for FREE STUFF... more than just Doors...

Facebook has a BUY NOTHING site
I am able to join a local Buy Nothing Group for my neighborhood
unfortunately... only my neighborhood
but that makes for easier pick up!

Facebook Buy Nothing Project!

then... FREECYCLE!


and well... there is Community Forklift in Hyattsville and Second Chance in Baltimore
Second Chance has a section in their parking lot that is free for the taking
they often have doors!

oh... and Craig's List!