what do we need to do to make the streets more safe for pedestrians and cyclists?
these are all great suggestions...
but... what about the driver side of things?
yes... the pedestrian\cyclist can contribute to being more or less safe...
but what about the car traffic? what about the drivers?
yes... the pedestrian need to take some responsibility
there needs to be some common sense
the pedestrian needs to think about if they were in a car... what would they expect of the pedestrian?
while the same goes for the car driver... unfortunately not the case
car drivers often forget that they are often pedestrians
car drivers often bully those around them
car drivers will bully other cars
car drivers will bully cyclists and pedestrians
car drivers normally driving style is dangerous to pedestrians and cyclists as most drivers are not that cognizant of the dangers around them until it is too late
there is very little understanding of THE WORST CASE SCENARIO
Bicycling Magazine Article that I can not read because I am not going to pay for this article...