people think I hate eBikes... that is not the case



let me explain my postion...
eBikes are wonderful car alternatives...
eBikes are not an alternative to a bicycle...
eBikes are not Bikes...
then lastly...
an eBike replacing a car does me no favors
as it often puts that motorized vehicle (the eBike) into a space occupied by bicyclists and pedestrians... thus disrupting the peace of that space with their motorized movements...
I see the families taking their small children to and from school\day care on their eBikes... so I see the value in their experience... but I would prefer if it were just on a bicycle...
these motorized options are stealing away from what could have been and should have been a movement towards a bicycle\pedestrian society... instead... just more chaos...
when I ride my bike on the local separated bicycle paths I have to slow my bike to avoid a head on collision with an overly confident individual on some sort of eBike each and every time I ride... often it is the same person at the same time behaving the same way... not sure why I am supposed to have love for the eBike... it may be "One Less (fewer) Car" but that is not my concern... I am not anti car... I am anti someone putting my life at risk...

Rocket Bike image stolen from The Kicker Blog