What can we do to make the streets more safe?
life on the streets is different than it was decades ago...
not only has the world population grown...
but also...
the variety of travel options has also changed
previously our cities did not have as many cyclists...
there was no Bike Share Program...
there were no eBikes
there was no Scooter rental program...
so forth and so on...
as the world changes... so must the people in the world
I think that car drivers need to be refreshed on the law...
drivers need to know that pedestrians and cyclists have rights to their space...
the streets are not for cars and cars only
this idea needs to be re-explained to the car culture
there needs to be more traffic enforcement
unacceptable behavior has become acceptable
there needs to be an effort to draw the behavior back towards an acceptable behavior
in DC double parking and parking in the Bike Lane would be a great place to start
for minor infractions like Double Parking and Parking in the Bike Lane
then also...
Driver's Tests should increase the information about bicycle pedestrian safety and the rules about how to drive around people outside of cars
then also...
GPS systems... Maps giving audible directions could alert drivers to be more careful in areas that are concentrated with activity of people outside of their cars