Mansplaining... I think that there is genderizing and genderization going on here...

yesterday when making small talk with a Unitarian minister after a beautiful funeral service this female minister accused me of mansplaining...

She was handing out small bags of flower seeds in memory of deceased person for whom the service was hosted
One person said they would plant them next spring... I said I would just put them in the ground this week
then... I mentioned "dormant seeding" and then she asked what it was... to which I responded by saying I was not a gardener but defined the term... then I this woman of the cloth\Roman collar accused me of mansplaining

so... in her mind... a man can not define something when asked to define it because that would be mansplaining...

I wanted to mansplain mansplaining... but refrained...

it was a beautiful service... this minister gave a beautiful speech... it was a touching event all around... I was moved to tears at moments while also being inspired with hope at other times of the service... then I was insulted by this minister at the tail end of the event... I left almost immediately after this interaction... her ugliness tainted the day

mansplaining /ˈmanˌsplāniNG/
noun: mansplaining
the explanation of something by a man, typically to a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing.
"your response is classic mansplaining"

gerund or present participle: mansplaining
(of a man) explain (something) to someone, typically a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing.

and then... dormant seeding in terms of lawn care...

"Dormant seeding is the practice of seeding the lawn late enough in the year so it sits over winter and germinates very early the following spring when melting snow soaks it, warming temps stimulate it, and nourishing spring rains keep it growing and rooting. The idea is to get a leg up on the season"

I am a person... my size... my build... my body type... my facial structure... my mannerisms... my maleness...
well... if it offends you... is that me or is that you?

If I were an effeminate gay male...
would it be fair for a person to judge me by my size, my build, my body type, my facial structure, my mannerisms, my effeminate gay maleness?
if someone took offense to me because of my gayness... would they be homophobic?
would the issue be with my gayness or their perception of gay males?

I think this female minister who prides herself as being a feminist may be expressing some misandry...

mis·an·dry /miˈsandrē/
  1. dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against men (i.e. the male sex).
    "poorly disguised misandry"

mis·an·drist /miˈsandrist/
  1. a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against men.
    "the counterpart to a misogynist is a misandrist"
  1. relating to or characteristic of a misandrist.
    "the university is teaching misandrist lies"