the current Alleycat format dances with the technology of the day...
use of the Smart Phone is part of the game in today's world
racers use the map apps to find unknown addresses
the manifest often calls for Selfies or Photos to complete the manifest\checkpoint request
no beepers or radios were used in this race
there was a pay phone... but no one had to make a call
I felt that would be unfair to Millennials
as millennials would be befuddled by an old school phone
but yes... all racers are expected to have a photo taking device on hand
it is a tool of the task these days
just like a bag, lock, and pen
messengers often need Smart Phones at work and to race in an Alleycat
Andy is able to tell a wonderful photo with his photography...
Andy has a good eye
which goes to figure
Andy Zalan has a fine arts degree from the Corcoran School of Art and Design
where his concentration was Photography
Andy Zalan is able to tell an excellent story with his excellent photography

these are some of the photos that AZ shared from this weekend past's Dead City Alleycat...
Marina Smith ran two check points with Cate Cohen...
The Tour de Bike Lane and Holy Rood Cemetery
Marina and Cate were vital to making this happen...
Michael Jones, a one time messenger, stepped up and ran two check points
a Pick Up early in the race and the U Lock Bowling Challenge at Walter Pierce Park
Thanks Michael for adapting to my ill prepared paint can bowling challenge!!!
from the photos and the stories...
it looks\sounds like you ran an wonderful set of check points
appreciate your contribution
you may not believe me...
but I wanted the volunteers here as much for them as for me
I NEEDED them... but I thought that they would being part of this event...
Michael! I did need you here... you did more than just show up... you made it happen!!!
thanks Michael
thanks for being a friend
yes... Andy took a wonderful set of photos...
Andy is more than just a furry face behind the camera
Andy is living messenger history!
Andy has hosted more Alleycats that most Alleycat racers have raced!!!
Andy has won more Alleycats out of his home city than most Alleycat racers have raced!!!
Andy Zalan is the recipient of the Marcus Cook Award
What is the Marcus Cook Award?
Chase that Link... Search the Gwadzilla Blog!
I recommend when you see a Blue Link to the Gwadzilla Archives that you give it a glance
lots of stuff in the archives
old images... old links
you can even friend AZ on Myspace!!!
Andy Zalan shows how it is done...
Racing the event with grace and poise
delivering a clean manifest
delivering clean and crisp photos of what has been asked for
this photo is the BEST example for this Check Point Challenge
if the racers were scored on the quality of their Check Point Photos
this is what would have earned 150 Points!
"a photo of you and your bike in the Big Chair"
that is the photo that I wanted... this is the only one that is not an arm extended Selfie
now... there was not a request for the photo from the U Lock Bowling for Paint Cans Challenge...
but... here we go...
the only thing better than AZ's photos from this event
was his classy response to my overly strict scoring of the manifest
and well..
I totally dig Andy's video of Chaka Freeman and the Frisbee Toss Challenge as executed by DCMTB teammate Kent Baake!
AZ Delivers Like A Pro
which explains why Andy is now King of the Couriers at Urban Stems
where the messengers of the moment seem to make the most consistent money
Marvin on a Tall Bike at Sherman Circle
wow... getting to see Andy's photos gives me a window into the event...
I was not able to witness the race
I was running the race
so... the photos and videos by the racers are giving me great joy
so cool for Marvin and others to show up in costume!
and well...
the goal of the Tall Bike Challenge was fun!
sorry to anyone who fell over
glad no one got hurt!!!
and people...
this is what a SELFIE looks like...
the photo is not only clean and crisp
but the object of desire is clearly in the camera
I was super strict... my buddy Veek took a selfie and there was nothing but gray blocks behind him
no statue... DQ
but really... in the notion of selfies
if you have a story where you met Brook Shields and you wanted to sweeten the story with proof by showing a selfie... then you showed a selfie where she was supposed to be in the shot
and well... she is not
then it is not a Selfie with Brook Shields
so... if the Selfie task was to take a selfie with the "Mayor for Life"
proving you went there is not enough
just as... if you were a messenger and went to do a bank filing
when you got there you pass off your package then pickup the return and head back to the client only to return the original with the date\time stamp and it lacks the date\time stamp
well... you do not get credit
proving that you went there is not completing the task
it is not just about riding the loop
it is also about fulfilling the task
and yes...
I was strict with the scoring
AZ... Messenger Legend got DQ'ed
and well...
Andy was a good sport... I was pulling for him... I was betting on him... Point Racers play to Andy's Advantage... I have seen Andy roll into the final checkpoint last and finish first!
had I scored things differently
the race could have unfolded differently
unfortunately... those "ifs and buts" are not anything but alternate realities that did not and will not happen