The Odd Couple... I am living in an Odd Couple situation...

The Odd Couple
it was a movie... it was a series... it was a reboot... and then a reboot again

have not seen any of the reboots
I can see the reboot potential
as I am aware that there is comedy to be had in these situations...

right now... I am living in an Odd Couple situation
situation comedy? maybe to people on the outside
right now...
it is just curious and a tad complicated

it is approaching a year (or at least seems that long) that a guy I knew asked me if he could stay at my place
being divorced with one kid in college and sharing time with the younger boy means that I have space in my small house
at least I have space in my unfinished basement

so... a person I loosely knew had a big ask
he needed a place to stay
having gone through a divorce and having no one to turn to and having no place to go
I felt sympathy for this person's plight
then on top of that... there were certain promises made

there was talk about helping me with a shed project
this person being exceptionally handy and having built two sheds earlier that year
I was seduced by the notion that he would help me build my shed for the cost of pizza and beer

pizza and beer
cost of materials
done in two weeks


the shed is not done...
sure... projects like this often take longer than expected
and yes... the shed will be beautiful when done
but the shed is not done

it is frustrating
this is the longest two weeks of my life
as these two weeks have included three seasons and is blending into a fourth
the shed will be so much more than I could have built
I could have thrown together a rectangle of sorts
the current project is so pro

it will not be the safety hazard I would have created that would have involved Velcro and Duct Tape

it is a unique project
the design involved doors instead of plywood
sure this added some time
but still
two weeks was an unfair estimate

there have not been enough full days
not sure if there was ever a full day
there have been months where a hammer was not raised and no progress was made

my patience ran out long ago
having a person in my basement has taken the basement from me
previously I had a smaller shed
now I have no shed
as the shed is incomplete and filled with tools for the project

previously I had a shed and a basement
right now I have neither

so... last night I watched a few episodes of The Odd Couple
not sure if I have seen anything more than a few clips of this show since childhood
more poignant now that I am an adult with adult issues
more on point to my post divorce situation 

now add my boarder situation
well... the parallels are there

it is tough for adults to share a space
be those adults husband and wife
stranger and friends
even if those friends are just friends 
or as in this case
two people who share common interests and know each other from around town

we have known each other for years
but really
we were not that well acquainted previously
I would think that if this guy did not hate me that we could call each other friends now

it is a tough situation
and that situation is only made worse with my tough personality

we are an odd couple...

I am flawed
my current day to day has its troubling aspects
recent termination of my IT contract
tearing of my Achilles leaving me inactive
my divorce and my angry ex wife
these things make stressful moments more stressful

like any relationship this relationship with the person in my basement ebbs and flows
it is better when we are friendly to each other
otherwise it is just the freak in my basement
the person whose phone conversations I hear
the person that causes me to crank my music in the home office so I do not have to hear him in the adjacent bathroom
the person using my kitchen when I want to use my kitchen

there are times when we cook for each other and have meals together
there are times when we go for bicycle rides together
and there are home projects
as said... this guy is super handy
when he is helpful... he is super helpful

when he is on... he is on
but he is not on enough
if he was on all the time
he would not be living in my basement

when he is not helpful... I am gruff and angry
at lease I am slightly less gruff and slightly less angry

so... last night I went met up with the television
ah... in Covid times I am watching way more television then I ever once watched
and well
I tend to watch a decent amount of television

last night I went to watch some television and did a search for The Odd Couple
sure enough I was able to find Free Streaming options on Pluto
Pluto is new to me... watched The Warriors on Pluto a few nights prior
the commercials are repetitive
but it is a fair trade
same commercials to get to see the program I want to see when I want to see it

in watching The Odd Couple I witness the balance of the clash of two very personalities
two adults grown into who they are
trying to see how they can share the same space
it is comedy
the clash... yet they come back to each other and support each other and lend each other aid

yes... I am living in an "Odd Couple" situation

I need to be less harsh with the freak in my basement
he is not accustom to my style of jokes and teasing
yet I persist
he is hard to motivate
sometimes I brush him the wrong way in an effort to get him to be more productive\helpful around the house

it is like having an employee who is always late and has a propensity for putting his feet on the desk

it is like having another child
a child who is told what to do and never does it
a child that when or reprimanded corrected - comes back with flimsy excuses
bullshit excuse that no one would believe

it can be frustrating

in short...
I feel as if this person is getting what they asked for
while not delivering on their promises


yes... watching The Old Couple gives me a little more insight into our situations
our very different personalities
our being forced into the same space
as in any relationship
there needs to be more appreciation for the other

I am plenty like Oscar Madison
if only this guy in my basement cold be more like Felix Unger
if only he could do what he promised to do

this guy is great at starting projects
but never seems to finish them

I will try to be less like I have been
but unfortunately
I need him to be less like he has been
or else I will feel the need to cancel this "Odd Couple" situation in my house