DAYLIGHTING - Every DC School Needs Daylighting


how do we change behavior?
more specifically... how do we change car driver behavior?

tickets? signs? paint on the road?

unfortunately... you can ask nicely
but car drivers are still gonna do what they are gonna do
unfortunately... instead of a measure or "right versus wrong"
"what is safe versus what is unsafe"
the car drivers tend to act selfishly and go for what is convenient


in the moments of Drop Off and Pick Up at the schools around DC it is CHAOS
chaos for those doing pick up and drop off
chaos for anyone trying to pass through town and have to pass through School Zones during this time of day

the system needs to change...
if the car drivers can not behave
then... the infrastructure has to be designed such so that life is safe for those outside of cars
those that choose to walk or ride a bicycle to and from school should not be punished for this behavior
the car BULLY behavior needs to stop

DAYLIGHT is something that needs to be addressed...

Illegally parked cars reduce the DAYLIGHT at intersections
thus making it unsafe for the families that choose to walk or ride bicycles
so... remove the opportunity for these drivers to park illegally 
remove the opportunity for them to cut off the DAYLIGHT at each intersection
because asking nicely is not enough
the potential for the "worst case scenario" is too great