Football blending into 60 Minutes is an American Tradition...

Anne Frank
Diary of Anne Frank

there was a time when the American people could list all of the people who were the hosts of 60 Minutes...
all the way down to Andy Rooney
but now.. maybe not so much
sure... Leslie Stahl is still there
and we all know Anderson Cooper from his journalism prior to this
but the others
is it me... or has 60 Minutes lost its place in pop culture?

maybe... maybe not...
I still try to tune in if I am near the television at that time on a Sunday
the magazine format is still entertaining to me
the topics that they approach are usually intriguing to me
it is usually good for the brain

last night was no different...
football blended over into 60 Minutes
60 Minutes delivered a cliff hanger of a story
the story of Anne Frank and who might have turned in this Jewish Family

chase the link...

what a sad and beautiful story
Anne Frank and her diary... 
having traveled to Poland and visited Auschwitz\Berkenau
it is chilling
our world history is painful
Nazi Germany may be one of humanities' worst moments

60 Minutes Story reveals a theory of who betrayed the Frank family
Dutch Review with information on the man suspected to have turned in the Frank family's hiding place