Who wrote this script?

January 3rd is Kyle Rittenhouse's Birthday...
January 3rd is also Gretta Thunberg 's Birthday...
both on this day in 2003

Life and its Ironies...
Happy Birthday Gretta!

Kyle... go get some therapy... don't let you fans diminish your shame... look in the mirror and feel remorse for what you have done... killing someone is a heavy burden...

as for the world...
who are your heroes?
why are these your heroes?

How can a world be so divided?
Are we really so different?

it is disgusting
each side celebrates its hero and mocks the opposition and their heroes

I am on Team Gretta!
I cheer for a Better Planet...
I cheer for Better People...
I cheer for a Better Future...
I cheer for changing things for the better...

kids walking the streets with high powered weapons
taking the law into their own hands
well... I am not sure how our society has come to this
how can this be okay?
how can this be normal?

Kyle Rittenhouse is a metaphor for the cultural divide