Winter Weight... Achilles Injury has me on the bench... but there is the rowing machine!


I am not a rower
both of my boys are rowers
there is a growth in the high school rowing across the nation
there are programs where there were no programs before

Wilson High School in Washington DC has had a rowing program for 35 Years!

my younger son Grant is a senior at Wilson
Grant is currently the captain of the Wilson Men's Varsity team
when Dean was at Wilson
Dean was the Stroke position as a senior in the boat that won the SRAA Nationals
WTOP Story... look at those smiles!!!

unfortunately... my sons' rowing does not make me a rower
having a brother who is a rower who just got a new Erg (indoor rowing machine)
I am now an owner of an Erg

now... I have dabbled in "Erging"
as there have been gaps of time when a rowing machine occupied my living room so that my boys could row
so... here I am with an Achilles Injury

information on the Internet suggests allowing the achilles to heal
avoiding various activities
recommending others

Erging is a recommended safe activity when recovering from an Achilles injury
well... isn't that special
so... now I have the Erg set up in the living room
not for either of my boys
for me

there are two struggles
to get on the erg
to ease into this... I have an issue with starting into things slowly

(impressive 2k... it reads 6:16.2, but I think he has broken that with a 6:13.5)