her boys... her legacy... a wonderful mom worked to create wonderful young men!

the above shot is a favorite of mine
family trip to Pittsburgh
with the requisite trip to Kennywood

these photos are pre-divorce of course

Lisa Joy Woods
mother to Dean Oscar Gwadz and Grant Sebeck Gwadz died of Bile Duct Cancer earlier this month
a sad ending for Lisa and her boys

Lisa put her heart and soul into all that she did
Lisa's love for her boys was endless
Dean and Grant were priority ONE!
well.. almost
momma gotta handle momma before she faces the world
but then.... her boys came first

Dean and Grant will feel sorrow whenever they feel joy
the milestones of their life will not have their mother in the room
for that... I am sad
these boys love their mother so much
sad that the world took their momma away

Cancer Sucks!

so many memories with Lisa
if I can see past her behavior during the separation and then the divorce
I can almost remember her
but really...
I remember memories... I do not remember her

Lisa destroyed any love or memory I ever had of her
she was a very driven woman
just as she worked hard to be my wife
she worked hard to be my ex wife
she was an over achiever when it came to anything she did
and well
she made making my life miserable a priority
there were unlimited text messages each morning for years stating this very claim

if it makes those that love Lisa feel any better
she won
Lisa ruined my day... Lisa hurt me... Lisa blocked me from my children's life as much as she could
she successfully bonded with my family and boxed me out
for that... I have anger
that anger bleeds to my family

Lisa blocked me out of my own father's house...
I no longer talk with my own father
Lisa's lies...
these lies were believed by many
to this day... people hole Lisa's half truths as facts

there is no rebuilding with these people
those times were missed and can not be replaced

RIP Lisa Joy Woods
RIP my relationship with my family