a few photos by Paul Lagoy of me from the Dave Confer Memorial Alleycat 2022 Edition

Cate Hosted the 2022 Dave Confer Memorial Alleycat this weekend past...


it was a great race that drew some wonderful people
fun manifest
an amazing gathering as an afterparty where people were treated to lots of food and drink along with lots of prizes

Alleycats are not about Prizes!


I was not in it to win it
I showed up to gather with friends

in an effort to give a not to Dave Confer
I decided to try and ride with friends
ride for the fun of it
hit the race at Party Pace

rather than "race"
I linked up with a crew and worked with them to knock stuff out

followed Suave, John Dinn, Denis, and The Dingo

we worked as a team to create a route and knock things out

two people maybe three people makes for a good squad
this may have been too many cooks in the kitchen


I was there to hang
not to race

respecting my limitations due to my healing Achilles

our route was okay...

but I felt we could have been more intelligent with out choices

KOCHIX was close to CONFER'S
I would have saved it for the finish
as I had saved a few other NE locations for the finish
and then
if we had factored in the bonuses

had we gone for a COMPETE MANIFEST
and then the bonuses
then we would have won
we had a complete manifest minus the bonuses
oh well...

Good times just the same

memories have faded

but the memory of that day remains in my heart
not the details
but the vibe

what a gathering among friends
bike family friends

so glad I was able to attend
good to roll around town with my bicycle buddies

more images and words could come on this day... but more than likely not