this was yesterday...
that is why I shared all of those images of my ex Wife and such over the last few days
Lisa gave up her battle with Cancer in the spring
the mother of my children is dead
that is sad for my children
my tears for this person were roughly a decade ago
not tears from cancer but tears from divorce
it is complicated
my wife and I got a divorce
that had a byproduct that divorced me from my family... and from some friends
she was possessive of our children and abusive towards me post marriage
our marriage was not bad... we grew apart...
our separation was not smooth
in divorce... my ex became a beast and unpleasant aggressive beast
there are people who shunned me for years
there actions will not be forgotten or forgiven
not out of spite but out of self preservation
just the simple notion that my ex wife attended events at my father's house... that alone should say something...
I have not been a guest in my father's house in roughly 5 years
it sucks to be estranged from your father
the estrangement caused greatly because of the actions of my ex wife
it was awkward
nice to see people
but awkward
as I do not know who decided to believe the Amber Heard style lies that came from Lisa's mouth
I was not on the Evite... being invited was an after thought
I knew of the event months in advance... waited for an invite that never came
no involvement
no consultation
nothing in relation to me whatsoever
in the end... it was nice to be invited... better late than never
but the delayed invite did help to set the tone and let me know where I stand with some people
I guess it is good to draw lines
the lines have been drawn
I will try to keep in the lines... but can you all try to keep in line as well
it was nice to attend
it was nice to see people
it was a decent representation of Lisa's life
as said
nice to see people
nice to reflect on the Lisa Joy Woods that we all knew and loved
Peace to Lisa Joy Woods
Peace to all that knew and loved her
Peace to my children... may the always remember their mother in the most loving positive ways... may they not suffer too much from the void in their hearts that the suffer from losing their mother...
yes... Lisa was special... there was a time when she loved me with all her heart
but there was a moment when she flipped that switch
she hated me with the same intensity that she once loved me
Lisa never did anything half ass
I was not deserving of her scorn
and well...
it was not heathy for her to live with such hate
those that enabled her... they were not her best advocates
a true friend would not have fueled her hate
but they would have worked to quelch her negative emotions and her abusive agenda
enough on this...
that is why I shared all of those images of my ex Wife and such over the last few days
Lisa gave up her battle with Cancer in the spring
the mother of my children is dead
that is sad for my children
my tears for this person were roughly a decade ago
not tears from cancer but tears from divorce
it is complicated
my wife and I got a divorce
that had a byproduct that divorced me from my family... and from some friends
she was possessive of our children and abusive towards me post marriage
our marriage was not bad... we grew apart...
our separation was not smooth
in divorce... my ex became a beast and unpleasant aggressive beast
there are people who shunned me for years
there actions will not be forgotten or forgiven
not out of spite but out of self preservation
just the simple notion that my ex wife attended events at my father's house... that alone should say something...
I have not been a guest in my father's house in roughly 5 years
it sucks to be estranged from your father
the estrangement caused greatly because of the actions of my ex wife
it was awkward
nice to see people
but awkward
as I do not know who decided to believe the Amber Heard style lies that came from Lisa's mouth
I was not on the Evite... being invited was an after thought
I knew of the event months in advance... waited for an invite that never came
no involvement
no consultation
nothing in relation to me whatsoever
in the end... it was nice to be invited... better late than never
but the delayed invite did help to set the tone and let me know where I stand with some people
I guess it is good to draw lines
the lines have been drawn
I will try to keep in the lines... but can you all try to keep in line as well
it was nice to attend
it was nice to see people
it was a decent representation of Lisa's life
as said
nice to see people
nice to reflect on the Lisa Joy Woods that we all knew and loved
Peace to Lisa Joy Woods
Peace to all that knew and loved her
Peace to my children... may the always remember their mother in the most loving positive ways... may they not suffer too much from the void in their hearts that the suffer from losing their mother...
yes... Lisa was special... there was a time when she loved me with all her heart
but there was a moment when she flipped that switch
she hated me with the same intensity that she once loved me
Lisa never did anything half ass
I was not deserving of her scorn
and well...
it was not heathy for her to live with such hate
those that enabled her... they were not her best advocates
a true friend would not have fueled her hate
but they would have worked to quelch her negative emotions and her abusive agenda
enough on this...