Buy Nothing on Facebook
Buy Nothing on Facebook is the second best thing on Facebook
Birthdays on Facebook are the best thing about Facebook
but really...
Buy Nothing is a really close second
What is Buy Nothing?
Not on Facebook?
Buy Nothing is a Facebook Phenomena
reason enough for Anti-Facebook people to dabble in Facebook
Buy Nothing is a SMALL neighborhood group that is based around a small radius around your address
you can get and give from your neighborhood Buy Nothing Group
but you can not participate in other Buy Nothing Groups
people in your Buy Nothing group will post items that they wish to purge
members of the group respond "Interested"
the person giving away the goods is supposed to randomly select a "winner"
and so...
that is how it goes
but not always
people want to get ride of stuff
is often the play
when really... sometimes is is more FAIR to let things gestate
let the post sit and let INTERESTED people chime in
and then
then select a winner
although against Buy Nothing policy
sometimes people will put stuff on the porch or the curb and just allow a free for all
instead of selecting the person to receive the item
Buy Nothing members and passerbys are allowed to just pull from the pile
this grab it from the curb method is not uncommon with plants
people are gardening
they do not want to waste their plants
they hope that someone will take them
but... rather than dealing with the Buy Nothing methods
they put it on the curb
But... what is the protocol?
All or None?
if someone takes some... will the remainder stay there and dry up?
this spring I have been working to take my yard\garden in another direction
my yard has been primarily lawn
standard square patch of lawn
lawn yawn
I have slowly tried grow my garden
over the years I have tried various things
vegetable gardens
raised beds
but really... mowing the lawn has been my standard routine
a few small garden beds... none with the ascetic I would like
but... there is joy when the perennials return each year
and then
I often like to plant Sun Flower seeds
yes... basically a weed
but the Sun Flower brings me simple pleasure
this year I have worked with DC Government's DOEE to get two BayScape Rain Gardens installed
then later this season
Casey Trees will be planting two trees in my yard
these efforts have me taking this momentum
although I did purchase some garden plants
tomatoes, peppers, and some herbs
my main focus is native species perennials
but... I am pretty much open to anything
so... over the past few weeks
I have been following Buy Nothing closely
eagerly waiting for plants to be posted
getting selected for some...
getting bypassed by others...
winning on some curb side pick ups...
losing on other curb side pick ups...
although I do not want to be selfish
I also do not want the plants to go to waste
when the hostas are put on the curb
I take a measure of whether there might be any left
when was the give away posted?
what are the chances that there are any plants left?
sometimes I win... sometimes I lose
this week I lost some and won some
arrived to a hostaless curb on one hosta pick up
then on the next offer... I grabbed the full bounty and split the hostess with another Buy Nothinger
than last night
there was a post... I may not have been the first to the hostess on the curb - rather than grab some and let the others dry out
I grabbed them all... offered to share with the Buy Nothinger that I shared the previous batch with
but she was good on hostas
so... I grabbed them all and put them in my yard
plants are spread about
some in the shade
some in the house
other plants flanking the house
not sure what will take
the ferns from Park Road have taken nicely
the Buy Nothing Plants
well... there has been cooler weather
and now rain
hope that I get some sun
as all the plants I planted are looking more like dead lettuce than vibrant plants
green thumbs crossed
hope some of these plants take
excited to turn my yard into a lush oasis
excited for the potential