I missed this year's Garage Races in Crystal City... I had attended\raced in every incarnation of the Garage Races until now...

although I was on this photo that DCist posted about the Garage Races in Crystal City
I am not the poster child of this event
until this year's event
I had attended and raced in every incarnation of the Garage Races
even the pre- Covid One Night
even the pre-Crosshairs Garage Races

in fact...
I was involved in the earliest incarnation of the Garage Races
assisting in the planning
involved in the process
hosting a youth race at the Garage Races

yet this year...
I did not attend
a combination of work and life kept me from even considering attending
and yes
it bummed me out not to be part of the action


before Bill Schieken and Crosshairs Cycling joined with the Crystal City BID to host the Garage Races
ex-Messenger Sheba Farrin promoted races with the Crystal City BID in these same garages

although I was not able to attend
part of me was partially repelled by the promotion of the events
the promotion and the hype
maybe it was just the hype 

in the weeks leading up to the event there was a bit of a buzz
on Social Media I could see a flurry of electronic excitement 
there was talk of the relay
there was talk about costumes
there was talk about the Anything Goes Race

but what about the main event
what about the Women and Men's Races
the Road Criterium in the garages
the dizzying laps
35-40 laps up, down, and around several floors of a parking garage
what about that race?
what about those races?

it seemed that the main event was taking Second Place to the photo op

sure I look funny
but whacky is not my thing
costumes and such have their place
but I have always had a hard time mixing racing with whackiness

to me costumes and wackiness have their place
it seems that others have decided that that place is here at the Garage Races
not that it deterred me
it just turned me off

I already knew that I would not be attending
the frivolity of it all just put me at easy with my choice

a month ago at a DCMTB Team meeting my buddy George poo pooed the Garage Races 
George spoke out about the injury potential
I challenged George's claim
stating that it was not dangerous
while DCMTB's Team Captain Todd interjected that he broke his wrist racing

but was Todd racing
or was Todd in the Anything Goes Race riding for a Photo Op?

I love the Photo Op!

that said...
the whole Just for Fun thing has always amused me
why am I racing my bike?
Just for Fun?
well... it is not my job
it is not my side hustle
then... well...
I guess...
I race Just for Fun 

but why does there have to be a category to embrace the Just for Fun concept

this manufactured Just for Fun concept is not new
events have been hosting this sort of thing for years
and well
it has never made sense to me

if someone wants to row in a duck suit... well sure
but to have a category where the each team has to race in costume?
I am not sure about that

what about the juggling marathon runner?
should such things be mandatory
well... actually it would be cool to have a special class for this
they could have marathons scaled by speed
and then also scaled by wackiness 
maybe not

so... I did not like the focus on the Just for Fun\Anything Goes aspect of the Garage Races
maybe I take myself too seriously
maybe I was not raised to be comfortable with the wackiness
not sure
but it bums me out

the Garage Races were a 5 Night Race Series
people RACED each week
the Anything Goes was an after thought
yet... due to photo ops
the Anything Goes is a bit of a draw
and well
it may have watered things down

which is funny... as this is something that I have struggled with as an Alleycat Promoter
if too much time is spent to draw the non essential racers
then essential racers may be turned off

maybe next year the Garage Races will return to a multi day race format
and then
they can have the Anything Goes race on the last day
normally... I do not attend if I am not gonna race
it is hella awkward to get out to Crystal City, especially after work