there is an eBike incentive... why did they just skip a BICYCLE INCENTIVE?


DC has just passed an eBike Bill
giving incentives to purchase an eBike

seems like they skipped a step


just to clarify... 
I am frustrated by eBike behavior
but I do not hate eBikes
there are moments where I have distain for those riding eBikes
but I do not HATE eBikes
that is a misconception

I HATE having people claim that eBikes are bicycles
phrases like, "eBikes get more people on bicycles"
would be at the core of the frustration

eBikes are not gateways to more bicycle riding
why would someone pedal when they can coast?

eBikes are excellent car alternatives 
eBikes are a sad replacement for a bicycle

that is my basic feeling
as... I ride a bicycle 
and one of the joys of being on the bicycle is getting away from the motorized vehicles
getting onto a separated bike path or a Bike Lane should have a sensation of sanctuary 
but alas no
the eBike has disrupted that calm
the eBike has invaded that shared space
taken over... bullying any and all around them

why would I applaud the eBike?
does the eBike benefit me?
no... it is a selfish act
by no means will a few eBikes Save the Planet
canceling Burning Man would do more for the environment than having people all over the country take to using an eBike

back to the point...
the incentive

this amuses me...
why was there not a BICYCLE INCENTIVE like this?
I recall a bicycle commuter tax thing... but none of my previous employers gave it any mind... I asked... I asked... I let it pass...
I think that increasing-expanding the DC Capital Bikeshare System and giving incentives to join BikeShare would be more practical...
I think this credit could cause a spike in purchase and use... but that will all drop off...
BikeShare could be the "gateway" to buying a bicycle or an eBike!
Try before you buy!
Not everyone has room to store an eBike
EBikes are heavy- tough to bring in and out for each use

and lastly...

if you put a motor on a bicycle
the bicycle becomes a motorcycle

simple logic
simple reason

the fact it is electric seems to confuse the modern brain
but really
I am as irked by a speeding eBike on the separated bike path as I am by a 49cc gas powered scooter on the bike path or in the bike lane