times are changing... I am changing with them... or at least adapting to them...


photos from a trip to Santa Cruz
Lisa with Dean
Dean on the Beach
life before Grant

that second image of the toddler naked on the beach was my screen save on my computer when I was an IT Specialist at CBS News
I thought nothing of it
but one time a coworker of mine made a statement
he asked...
"Why do you have pornography on your computer?"
to which I snapped
"Photos of naked babies are only pornography to pedophiles."

argument over...
of course... I removed\replaced that image

that coworker was a 28 year old Bible thumping virgin
I wonder what happened to him
did he get married?
did he get arrested for pedophilia?

I had to adjust to the times then...
that was years ago
I am adjusting to the times now...

I still think it is an epic photo
I still do not think it is pornography

yet... I respect the times and would not have that as my screen saver on my work computer in 2023