Taylor Swift... I do not watch much football... so I do not know much about her...


Taylor Swift on NPR's Tiny Desk Concert
I am a fan of NPR and the Tiny Desk Concert 
shamefully... I may listen more to the music of the Tiny Desk that I listen to the news on NPR
the Justin Timberlake session on Tiny Desk is heavy in my current location

not knowing much about Taylor Swift
I thought I would give it a listen
see what songs I recognized 
see what Taylor Swift as to say

she seems wonderful
I was not sure of her song The Man 

things would be different... but would they be better?

there would be significantly more competition
her themes
her following
her girl power
it would all have to switch 
other than Morrissey
what male artist complains about relationships in their songs?
Mathew Sweet?

I get it...
The Man is a thought provoking song
I think male artists get similar attacks 
especially with fame 
does everyone love Ed Sheeran?
I think not... 

Taylor Swift is a phenomena 
if she were a he...
he could be a successful artist 

I really have no point
I think the point is
Taylor Swift is not writing her songs for me
nor are any artists of the day
I am an old white man 
Fugazi's Suggestion 
thought provoking

from DC
Slant Six

Slant Six was an ALL WOMAN BAND

give them a listen
I LOVE soda pop rip off 
not just one song... the full record