a week or so ago there was a question asked on Tik Tok that bubbled over onto other Social Media Platforms...
It asked... Would a woman prefer to encounter a bear or a man when out in the woods alone?
or something to that effect
this morning I asked ChatGPT what it thought... in an effort for me to better understand this
When a woman expresses a preference to encounter a bear in the woods over a man, it is often a reflection of her concerns about personal safety.
This statement can highlight the following points:
1. **Perceived Threat**: The statement may indicate that the woman perceives a greater threat from encountering an unknown man in the woods than a bear. This perception may be due to concerns about potential harm or aggression from a human stranger, which could include harassment, assault, or other forms of violence.
2. **Predictability**: Bears, though dangerous, often behave in predictable ways, such as avoiding humans unless provoked or protecting their cubs. In contrast, human behavior can be less predictable, especially when encountering a stranger in an isolated area.
3. **Societal Awareness**: The preference may reflect broader societal concerns about women's safety in public spaces, particularly in isolated or wilderness areas. Many women are taught to be cautious of unfamiliar men due to the potential for harassment or violence.
4. **Humor or Hyperbole**: Sometimes, the statement may be made with a touch of humor or exaggeration to emphasize the woman's wariness of encountering unfamiliar men in a potentially vulnerable situation.
In any case, the statement underscores the importance of safety and the different risks that women may perceive when faced with the possibility of encountering a wild animal versus an unknown man in the woods.
1. **Perceived Threat**: The statement may indicate that the woman perceives a greater threat from encountering an unknown man in the woods than a bear. This perception may be due to concerns about potential harm or aggression from a human stranger, which could include harassment, assault, or other forms of violence.
2. **Predictability**: Bears, though dangerous, often behave in predictable ways, such as avoiding humans unless provoked or protecting their cubs. In contrast, human behavior can be less predictable, especially when encountering a stranger in an isolated area.
3. **Societal Awareness**: The preference may reflect broader societal concerns about women's safety in public spaces, particularly in isolated or wilderness areas. Many women are taught to be cautious of unfamiliar men due to the potential for harassment or violence.
4. **Humor or Hyperbole**: Sometimes, the statement may be made with a touch of humor or exaggeration to emphasize the woman's wariness of encountering unfamiliar men in a potentially vulnerable situation.
In any case, the statement underscores the importance of safety and the different risks that women may perceive when faced with the possibility of encountering a wild animal versus an unknown man in the woods.
all I can say...
I am sorry that woman feel this way...
and beyond that
I raised two boys to be men that respect people and more importantly respect woman.
in the comments of a FACEBOOK post... a friend shared this...
it helped to explain things
but... the statistics are WEAK
and those numbers could be used against woman
blaming all men for the actions of few?
are all women the same?
if not... then why are all men viewed the same?
Jack Blackfelt
A bear won’t hit you in the face with a brick if you won’t give it your phone number.
A bear won’t stalk you if it told you you’re pretty and you said you weren’t interested.
A bear won’t pretend to be kind to get you to lower your guard.
A bear won’t lock you in a basement for months to torture you.
A bear generally won’t bother you if you’re not bothering it.
If you encounter a bear, it will almost always retreat slowly because it means you no harm.
If you do get attacked by a bear and you say so, people will believe you.
No one will ask you what you were wearing that made the bear attack you.
No one will ask you how much you had to drink.
No one will ask you what you were thinking, being in the woods.
No one will ask you if you even tried to fight back.
No one will ask you if you led the bear to believe you wanted to be attacked.
No one will condemn you for not fighting back harder.
No one will arrest you for harming the bear.
No one will say you deserved the attack.
No one will ask how many bears you allowed to attack you before.
The bear won’t say you were asking for it.
The bear won’t say it was consensual.
The bear won’t try to convince everyone you’re lying.
The bear won’t get his buddies to maul you too.
The bear won’t threaten you to get you to keep the attack a secret.
The bear won’t show up at family reunions.
If you survive a bear attack, you don’t have to worry that the bear might be good friends with medical staff or the police.
You won’t have to hear that you’re making it all up to get attention.
You won’t have your reputation called into question.
You won’t get called a slut.
People won’t tell you you’re paranoid for being cautious around bears.
People won’t tell you that not all bears are dangerous.
If a bear attacks you, you won’t be told it wouldn’t be fair to ruin the bear’s future by bringing it up.
You won’t be told the bear is from a nice family and they don’t deserve the humiliation of an arrest.

I liked this one reposted by an artist I also just happen to like, Amanda Palmer:
"This is for all the men who are big mad that women are saying they’d rather encounter a bear in the woods than a man.
For all the man screaming “this isn’t fair, it’s not all men!”
For all the men who are Stubbornly. Not. Getting. It.
First, we don’t care that it’s not fair. Second, you men are the whole reason this conversation exists. YOU made this problem. YOU.

If you still don’t get it, consider this:
Many women in the woods carry bear spray…
And finally, ask yourself this: If you hear human footsteps near you in the woods, are you hoping it’s a man or a woman? Pretty much EVERY woman would be praying it’s a woman.
In 2020-2022, bears killed a whopping 8 people in North America. Even if all 8 were women, that’s not even close to the approximately 12,000 women who were killed by men in that time period.
Bears = 8
Men = 12,000
It’s a real head scratcher guys.
It’s a YOU problem."