Beaver Shot


Beaver Shot!

years ago I kept loose track of readership on the blog
there were Google Analytics and there were other page counters

in some ways... this data helped to kill the blog
as I felt like I was spending a good deal of time to script a long winded post
while the average visitor was not on the page long enough to read a fraction of that post

something like a Beaver Shot can act to cause a spike in views
but really?
do I want the numbers or actual reader
luring in someone who is not my demographic
what is the point?
just so I feel better about the numbers?

Beaver Dam more than likely attracts few hits than Beaver Shot
I think I would be more interested in having a reader interested in The Beaver Dam Swim Club than someone looking for a Beaver Shot

here it is... basically halfway through the summer
I have yet to visit the beach or The Beaver Dam Swim Club
Grant went to the Beaver Dam Swim Club with his friends
it brings me joy that the adventures I share with my children are now things that they share with their friends