as I am "between jobs" I am mixing my time with working on my cycling themed photo books and doing a few hours of food delivery on the bicycle for Uber Eats
Uber Eats is a slow way to a Million
not as profitable as driving for Uber
but... not currently owning a car will limit my decisions
each day I shamelessly shake a cup
reaching out to various people on Facebook
cut and pasting some words and a link pertaining to my GoFundMe campaign
it warms my heart to get all this support
especially from people from childhood
this week I reached out to a number of people from Our Lady of Lourdes
and well...
a number of people responded with donations
it is awkward for me... but it is neccessary
the money is not as much as I had hoped
the flipping of bikes and other similar efforts are not as lucrative as I had thought they would be
applied for some jobs... but not applying as I should
as I want to focus on the book project
I do enjoy the break between jobs
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GoFundMe Link