2024 Dead City Alleycat planning is coming together... race manifest is developing... various sponsors already coming forward to support the event!
a few years back Mount Pleasant Whiskey was a generous sponsor of a Dead City Alleycat that I hosted
so... just as with Ortlieb Bags, Pedro's Lube, and other generous sponsors of Gwadzilla Alleycats past
I reached out to Troy and Company at ReBoot Beverage Company
sure enough... Troy saw The Day of the Dead theme and stepped up
Mount Pleasant Whiskey also has an Agave Product
La Manplesa
details to come
nice to get local support
also stoked to have the support of Ortlieb Bags (already got package)
Pedro's Lube (confident they are sending some stuff)
New Belgium has been generous in years past... timing not working this time around
and there will be others
and of course
I have prizes collected from previous events
stoked how it is all coming together
Super Stoked about La Manplesa Agave as a Sponsor of The Dead City Alleycat Day of the Dead event!