Race Report: Andy Zalan hosts 10-9 Messenger Appreciation Day Alleycat

10-9 CB Radio Code for Repeat\Say It Again
10-9 aka October 10th is Messenger Appreciation Day
not just in DC
but where ever there are messengers in need of appreciation 

Andy Zalan is DC Messenger Royalty
Andy Zalan hosted a post work Alleycat for Messenger Appreciation Day
Bob (just Bob... no last name... not Bobby) worked with the DC Government to have this day made official
Thanks Bob!
Cool that you did that!

AZ (Andy Zalan) had hesitation about hosting another Alleycat in a month where there are already so many Alleycats
but... there was assurance that there would be attendance 
I have done Andy's Alleycat before... they are awesome
I have done Andy's Messenger Appreciation Alleycats before... it is always a great experience
the Alleycat is as much about getting the community together as it is about the race

Photos by Sleazy G
(except for my Selfies and Old Photos)
Stolen off Sleazy G's Instagram
Sleazy G's Travel Instagram 

RACE REPORT:  10-9 Messenger Appreciation Day Alleycat
the word was out... 
10-9 Alleycat - Messenger Appreciation Day
meet at Dupont for pre race snacks at 5
Alleycat at Six
post race pizza and beers to follow 

my Wednesday was spent as many of my days recently have been spent
as I am currently "between jobs"
I am splitting my time with Uber Deliveries on bicycle, Flipping Bikes, and working on a DC Bicycle Messenger Photo Book 
then also... life shit

Go Fund Me for My Photo Book
Donate and Share

watching the clock I got my stuff ready in the late afternoon
bag? lock? pen? phone?
I figured that I could race without a bag... without a lock... but I figured I would need a pen
definitely would need a phone for selfies!
so I would roll with my Chrome Sling Bag and Chrome Feed bag on the Handlebars

then temperature... fall is upon us... it was cool... the evening would be cooler
which gave me more gear options
I was excited to wear my SEVEN CYCLES windbreaker
then Adidas sweats on the bottom 
gloves... helmet... glasses and I was out the door

the bike of the day would be my best working bicycle
I have a number of bicycles 
most of them in need of some TLC
nearly all of them need some TLC
my All City Cosmic Stallion is a mechanic's wrench from being race worthy
my older Trek 2.3 was recently tuned up by my mechanic friend Beth
so... the Trek road bike would be the race bike that day

out the door... on the bike... mellow pedal from Manor Park to Dupont Circle
ran into old school messenger Marcel in transit
we rolled to the start together
looking for the gathering
clusters of bikes drew my attention

the mass of bodies at Courier Corner lured me away from the small clusters of could be racers
sure enough
Courier Corner was PACKED!
as expected... people came out


as I rolled in there were some hellos and some gentle hazing
there were comments about the bike choice of the day
that I was riding my race bike... my faster bike...
there was some chatter about me and my intentions
my summer figure and its being thinner than winter weight body
and then also
my Cool Seven Cycles jersey got some thumbs up

I parked the bike and started to get a feel for who was there and who would be racing
Dario... Bigs... Veek... Sleazy G... Johnny W.
oh man... 
the list goes on... that there could be the Top Five 
then after more review
Coach aka Michael Pearce was there
then also Cassidy... John Shack... 
there was a super strong Top Ten

there was mixing... there was mingling... more people rolled in
more smack talking

time passed and Andy Zalan gave some pre race instructions

Messenger Appreciation Day 10-9
Quick Cat!
10 Checkpoints - Racers Need to go to 9 Check Points
First Person back to Dupont with 9 Selfies for the Win
and then also...
Selfies have a Time Stamp
so... there would be prizes for the First Racer to each Checkpoint 

I like this format... AZ has run this race in this format before
he runs it clean and scores it fast
in the pre race meeting there was a mention of the Selfies
how the Selfies have to show what they are meant to show
if the photo is not discernible... no credit!
too many blurry photos by Alleycat Racers
too many photos that are not clear of where or what it is 

Andy Zalan went to The Corcoran School of Art for Photography
although he is not grading us on our balance or composition
he does want the task to be fulfilled 
just as a messenger is not paid to ride to and fro
a messenger often has to complete a task
more than just a pick up... sometimes a filing with a date\time stamp
some racers like to take rolling selfies... some of those shots are not as good as they should be
make it count 

after the pre race meeting
manifests were handed out
Andy was able to control the mob by having everyone sit on the bench
AZ went down the line and passed out the manifest 
rather than having a hand out where the grabby hands are rewarded 

we were given time to review the manifest

there were no tricks... it was a 10 locations
only Zei Alley did not have an listed address
no worries... 15h and Eyeish... I know where it is... 
so I created an order... I created what I thought to be a logical loop
always willing to modify on the move

initially I thought I might skip the Watermelon Mural or the Scottish Rite Temple on 16th Street
I knew all of that was Subject to Change

with ample time to review the manifest
many people entered addresses into their phones
using mapping technology and GPS Navigation 
others marked their manifests with numbers to list the order 
we were ready 
at 6:06 or so we were sent off

the loop I created turned out to be less than original
2020 O Street St was the first address on the manifest and the closest location to Dupont Circle
by the time I got on the bike and was rolling out of Dupont I was behind half a dozen racers
this was biter sweet... sure I could borrow this Ameboid Mass to each check point
but this would reduce the likelihood of my being FIRST to any Checkpoint 

Brian Clark aka Bigs was one the main racers in this group for me to focus on
at one point I saw that Dario was breaking away from the pack
I tried to keep with Dario
when we were leaving The Anderson House on Mass Ave
it was not clear where Dario went
so I was back to being the tail end of the mass of messengers lead by Brian Clark

at each check point I was slightly slower with taking my selfie
had the manifest and phone in my "feed bag" on the handlebars
my transition through the checkpoints was slightly slower than the others
no matter the order of my arrival
I was the last person to leave each time
then if I reviewed my manifest... the process of pulling out my readers added more time

when we left the Mass Ave Anderson House spot
I thought that Ukraine House across from the French Embassy on Kalorama would be our next stop
instead of sticking to my plan I chased the group
well.. I chased the tail end of the group
the mass of riders was out of view except for a rider or two trailing along

I knew where people were headed
The Old Stone House on M Street in Georgetown
when I arrive there... everyone is an address or two past The Old Stone House
I snap a photo and am off towards House of Sweden
others are snapping photos and chasing close behind

At the House of Sweden I am there FIRST
I feel like this is my first opportunity to score a FIRST ARRIVAL 
I fumble with my phone... the settings are off... without my glasses on I struggle
the mass of cyclists from The Old Stone House are all pulling up behind me
I get the shot... later I will get rewarded for being first... I edged the chasing racers out for First Arrival
sure enough... slow through the checkpoint

First Rider In... Last Rider Out... 
rolling back to Water Street\K Street the mass of racers go up the hill towards M Street
I hang a right on K Street pointed towards downtown
my plan is to head across town to the 14th Street checkpoint

on K Street up the hill out from under Whitehurst Freeway I ride alone
or maybe not
I can feel it... someone is on my wheel
I glance over my shoulder
the racer is on my tail.. in my blind spot.. drafting and hiding
who is it?
I swerve one way... then the other... they are still hiding in my shadow
looks like part of a flat bar
looks like a pink frame

who is this?

oh... Cassidy 
Cassidy pulls up along side of me
I say something to the effect, "I am headed to 14th Street... where were they going? Kalorama?"
Cassidy responds humorously, "Who cares where they are heading? I am headed to 14th Street"

we ride together
Cassidy is moving a little faster
Cassidy is able to zig and zag through a few intersections that I approach a tad more cautiously 
Cassidy is putting a little gap on me
I accept this and decide to use that to my advantage 
I will let him get away

it would be simple enough for us to take K Street to 14th or Zei Alley
at 16th Street I take a right onto to the yellow paint at Black Lives Matter Plaza
then take a wrong way on I Street
I look north as I go through the intersection to see if I can see Cassidy along side of me
enough Salmoning up stream
I go down another block and decide to go with traffic on H Street and hit 14th Street Flower Store and then hit Zei Alley on the way up

Selfie at Flower Store
then over to Zei Alley
at Zei Alley I see Cassidy
I let him go... I am racing against him... not with him... it would not benefit me to assist him...

Cassidy lived and worked as a messenger in DC for years
he has hosted Alleycats
he has won Alleycats
I am working to finish ahead of him 

Cassidy is faster than me
if we ride together... he can drop me at the sprint to the finish
so... it pleases me to split from my friend and ride alone 

after the selfies at the Flower Shop and Zei Alley I  move into the shadows to glance at my manifest 
gotta make sure I am not missing or skipping anything
I do not want to pass a destination and have to backtrack
things are winding down
not much left to visit
two more checkpoints

Watermelon on Q Street 
and then
1733 16th Street

I am back on the bike
in my head I am reviewing the manifest
making sure I am not passing a stop 
skipping Kalorama Ukraine House forced my hand to do the rest of the stops 

Selfie of the Watermelon House
Shocked that Cassidy has not caught me
expected to be caught by this time
I am off to 16th Street and the Scottish Rite Temple 
a few blocks against traffic
then a block over to a One Way going my way

my brain is fuzzy
it is not clear
I feel like I have completed the manifest
I had double checked things... but I still felt a little uncertain
Selfie at the Scottish Rite Temple 
then... Hustle to Dupont

down 16th... right on P Street
I had been in the small chain ring the whole race
I consider mashing in the big ring
then think of the words from Kate Schrock at the Garage Races a few years back
"Spin it to Win It"

off of P Street into the park
headed to Courier Corner in Dupont 
it is a mass of people and bicycles
there is no read on how I am doing

there is chaos when I arrive
people are cheering
voices are instructing 
"take a selfie with Calvin"
I take a selfie and hand in my manifest
I learn that only one racer has finished in front of me
Coach aka Michael Pearce finished First
if my manifest is correct and complete
I would be Second 

as I am being scored I see the list of finished racers
Mike Pearce is first
then Nate
Nate is currently "off the bike" nursing an old injury
but Nate decided to run a play from the Bega Playbook 
Nate went to one checkpoint to score the FIRST at one of the checkpoints
Nice Move Nate!

I put my bike down and join Andy Zalan on the bench to be scored
other racers start to come in fast behind me
Cassidy... then Bigs... 
I am still not sure of my manifest... alas.. sure enough... I got my 9 Checkpoints
my selfies were correct and complete
I finished second
with the photo time stamp being to the minute and no seconds
I would share First Place at the first couple stops with a handful of racers 
then the previously mentioned First to House of Sweden 

it still had not sunk in
that was pretty awesome
yes... SECOND!

Coach Crushed It!
Minutes Ahead!
Schooled All of Us!

Coach Coached Us!
Old School Schooled Us!
Way to Go Cargo Mike!

Podium One Two Three
Coach - Gwadz - Cassidy
(wanted to post a podium shot... but nothing has surfaced yet)

as people roll in there is pizza and there is beer
everyone is in high spirits
there is a discussion between racers
where did you go first?
what was your route?
what happened to you?

it was a good time
Andy Zalan achieved his objective
Andy brought the community together
it was a nice little post work mid week party
with a bicycle raced tucked in there

good times for sure
thanks Andy
thanks Bob for making DC's National Messenger Appreciation Day Official 

Paul Joyner aka PJ was promoting an Alleycat
I was hesitant... feared he had planned a Dead City Alleycat without knowing I was planning on hosting the Dead City
Alas no...
Paul is hosting a New Year's Eve Alleycat
but first... 
the city needs to focus on Dario's Pupusa 2.0 Alleycat 
Dario's Instagram with detail on Pupusa Cat

Bruce showed Up Late
 got into the game
Bruce ran his loop fast and clean
I do not think his time was fast enough to beat my time
and definitely not fast enough to beat Coach