Tuesday was Giving Tuesday... I am still working on this Photo Book Project... the GoFundMe campaign is still Active!


Tuesday was Giving Tuesday...
Last week I released the 5 Book Series; Gwadzilla Presents 20 Years of Bicycle Messengers on Blurb dot com...
I am pleased with the project... it is what I intended, but there was a bit of a SNAFU
There was a BLURB 50% OFF Deal... but I misunderstood... I thought that this discount was to all purchasers over Black Friday Weekend... but it was only for book publishers...
so... I am working to create some BEST OF BOOKS... I will create much smaller books for a lower price as the larger books are very expensive... over 150 bucks each... and there are five of them
I am still mixing Uber Eats on the bike with working on this project... currently trying to sort out if I create these smaller books on BLUR or move to another self publishing platform
the GoFundMe campaign is still up and active... feel free to donate and share

Gwadzilla GoFundMe