RACE REPORT: New Years Eve Alleycat


RACE REPORT: New Year's Even Alleycat

announced months in advance
rarely an Alleycat is announced so far in advance
sure... Bob has already announced he is hosting the Dead City Alleycat 2025
but normally... things are not announced so far in advance
sure there can be talk
sure there can be planning
often the announcements are closer to the event date 

seemed like a good idea 
New Year's Eve Alleycat
get together with messenger types
race bikes
hang before
hang after

I was in... I was stoked to race
seemed like a great way to end 2024

so... as the days approached I looked for more details
I saw on the True Messenger IG Page that there was mention of the race in the profile
had the flyer been taken down?

historically Alleycats are not announced online
Alleycats originate in a pre digital time
announcements were a combination of paper flyers and word of mouth

so... I reached out to people on the street
tried to get a vibe

Bigs Bags on Instagram

stopped by Brian Clark's place to drop off some materials\fabric for Bigs Bags
a massive Coleman car camping tent without poles
and then also
three long vinyl posters from an art museum

the art posters being the better of the two scores

asked Bigs if he was racing New Year's Eve
answer was less of a no but more of a can't
Bigs was headed to Ecuador with his wonderful wife Lucia 

I called Bruce... Bruce was in Iowa visiting family
not a no... another "I Can't"

I took to the Inter Web
could not get an answer either way
did not see any more message that it was happening
did not see any announcement that it was canceled

I did not feel so confident about things

a glance at the expected weather had me take a measure of things 
I wanted to do a mountain bike ride 
thought New Year's Day would work
it is always a great feeling to start the year with a ride 
the weather predictions were such that New Year's Day may have precipitation 
rain would make it such that natural surface trails would not be an option

I decided to swap my plans around
unsure of the Alleycat
altered my plans to mountain biking on New Year's Eve

made plans with my friend Beth
Beth and I would take my dog Didg mountain biking
our last couple of mountain biking adventures had been to Patapsco
there was the question about tail conditions

I suggested Fairland 

we opted for Fairland 
Fairland was an excellent choice

all fear of wet trails were just worries
Fairland was in great shape 
no wet spots other than the streams

Beth and I got in a good New Year's Eve Ride
with Didg the Dog

it was a great way to end the year
a great way to approach the New Year

I am almost certain that the True Messenger New Year Eve Alleycat did not happen
I have seen an announcement for the Triple Crown

PJ throws a good race
should be fun
if it happens

a few shots from the New Year's Eve ride at Fairyland with Beth and Didg

last dirt ride of the year

good to get Didg the trail dog out into the woods
thought the exercise would have him survive the firework celebration 
but no
he was still wigged out by the fireworks

Fairland... what an awesome trail network

Beth lead when we dropped into the single track
she took a left where I would normally take a right
so... we mixed it up and hit some trail we do not normally hit
and then
we hit some of the trials we often hit in an opposite direction 
which was fun 

Fairland for the Win

Happy New Year!