hair often becomes a topic when this cyclist is mentioned
guess this may cause a buzz in some superficial cycling conversations
including mine
the slideshow is fun
I was expecting some coloring and a trim
not the baldy sour...
change is good
not sure if this guy needed a change
guess we can all improve
from across the parking lot
from the back of the pack
this guy (and that gal) looks like they are on a roll
not just on the bikes as mr and mrs fastest lap
but as a couple who likes to push there personal limits, inspire each other, and enjoy life
remember... this the site of a stranger in the distance
there is an energy given off by these people
even in the distance I can pick up on it
I wonder if he is going to upgrade his eyeware to go with his upgraded haircut?
these concerns from a man with a bald head and 20/20 vision
here is a gwadzilla archive with a great image by kevin dillard and a link to a great picture of mr. and mrs. fastest lap
more haircut pictures
gwadzilla with hair
great archive