mixing the unconventional and the conventional...

ran into sheba in dupont the other day
it started to rain
neither of us had an umbrella on our heaeds

I do not know Sheba well
but it is exciting to watch the local racers achieve and fight to succeed

Sheba races for Hub Racing
Sheba also works at City Bikes to supplement her racing efforts
Sheba on the Gwadzilla Page in her Hub Racing kit

right now Sheba is taking a break from training and racing to have a baby!


sheba will return to racing as a mom!
sheba's job is supportive
sheba's team is supportive
sheba's family (including the baby to be) is supportive

in our brief chance meeting in the park I tried to think of people who are parents and follow their unconventional athletic dreams

Eric Jackson is a person that comes to mind when I think of people who follow their dreams and are still able to fill in some of the aspects of conventional living

gwadzilla archive on eric jackson from 2004
gwadzilla archive on eric jackson in 2005