another post about The 10-9 Messenger Appreciation Day Alleycat... Andy Zalan shared some photos... Andy Zalan always tells a great story with his photos... I am not sharing ALL of them... go to his Instagram for All

 if you are looking for a Gwadzilla Race Report
10-9 Alleycat Race Report

Andy Zalan on Instagram

The 10-9 Messenger Appreciation Alleycat was Awesome!
Andy Zalan threw an amazing event
it was a gathering of friends with a bike race tucked in the middle
we hung out before... we hung out after
some of us raced in between

Andy Zalan is a fantastic photographer
his photos always tell a story

Bob worked with the DC Mayor's office to get 10-9 Messenger Appreciation Day Official
thanks Bob!

the above shot looks like the handiwork of Vik 
I wonder if Vik has created a video yet
I hate how Reels are a "now ya see em... now ya don't" sort of situation 

Vik on Instagram

Sebastian has been making some short films as well
Sebastian on Instagram\breaklegs

the manifest
the results
One Two Three
Coach - Myself - Cassidy
yes... I got second... unexpected!

some moments before the race
reviewing the manifest
making plans
creating an order
setting up a route

and Jeff aka Painted Nails aka 88 is chillin

Cassidy with a Strong Third
in town for the wedding

good to see Cassidy
good to see he is doing well

the full data table
very cool

cool format
scores clean
rewards various achievements 
I like it

there were no women racers...
Erica and Celie were at the start
neither raced 
no women representing 

not sure why Erica did not race
she is fast and efficient
we have raced against each other a few times
and well...
we were neck and neck each time
my neck being longer... I think I may have edged her out
but maybe not every time 

Step Dad was trying to get some side betting on the night
I think I would have selected Coach as the potential winner
looking at the crowd before the start 
I would have selected 
Coach\Bigs\Sleazy G as a potential Top Three
with the notion that Dario or a few others could easily sneak onto the podium 
not sure if I would have bet on myself to land on the podium 

Gwadzilla Race Report