
Dean gets some props in his school paper for his Unicycle Skills... what about 40 Mile MoCo Epic on a rigid Single Speed?

Facebook Posts will not save the bees... but action will!

bummer... I missed the invite only REI Flagship opening... I had the invite... but I did not have the time... bummer

a must see movie... not many must see movies these days... EX MACHINA!

Barking Dogs... I was going to throw this on Nextdoor DC... but instead I hide it here

The MoCo Epic is Epic! Rode the 40 Miler on Single Speeds with my 15 year old son Dean... DEAN ROCKED IT! RIGID TOO!

like Bobby Bird said...

in memory of Alice Swanson... please Mr. Garbage Truck Driver... drive more safely

my kids rode their bikes to school today... people suck... people in cars really suck... World, watch over my children.

Bikes to the World... MOVING SALE!