
Gwadzilla Cycling Photo Books and the GoFundMe Campaign

The Empire Strips Back... for teen boys it looks like it could be The Empire Stokes Back... curious... is this entertaining? Play list is good!

Memorial Ride Happening Now... saw this post on Mess Media on Instagram

The Gwadzilla Cycling Themed Photo Book(s) Project is well on its way... but still looking for support on the GoFundMe Campaign

Spot on...

tragedy in Kentucky... just going to share... not going to get on a soapbox and rant about gun control... too sad and too close to home... my cousin and his wife were there earlier in the day... this is their peer group

Alleycat Race Report: As I always start my race reports... too much time has passed to remember the details... in this case... it has been too much time... much much too much time... yet I will try...