
ONE YEAR! I just passed the One Year Mark in the new house... new house... new life...

Alleycat Hip Hop- Punk Rock Artist Market!

guns... gun violence... I am not a fan

Tour de Trump... yes... there was a bicycle stage race called Tour de Trump

DC High School Students Walk Out of School and Protest the Election of Don Trump... a photo on Twitter makes it way to me...

Manor Park... I started two facebook pages to connect wtih Manor Park Residents...

so... some talking head on th eTV died... all sorts of people are sad... a friend of a friend in the cycling community died... that makes me sad

George Washington just demanded a paternity test- claiming he is not the father of this country!

me... in the castle...

Katie Compton at DCCX.. Katie is Sublime.

Save a Prayer...

what issues are important to you? rights for pedestrians and cyclists? do you think that a Trump Presidency will care about people on foot or on bikes?

dag nabbit! someone stole the Knog style lights off my bike yesterday...

so a guy in a Members Only jacket yelled to me to get my bike off the street...