
love this GoPro movie... part video game\part guy richie film... love the soundtrack

I like this photo... not sure what it is trying to say... not my photo.. it came from an article about not apologizing for your 20's

if you don't look for cyclists... you will not see cyclists... EVEN IF THEY ARE RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!

SNOTCYCLE.... Why am I not Racing SnotCycle? Because I am lame... because in the weeks prior it was warm and muddy... perfect conditions for SNOTCYCLE and I am gonna miss it

cold day...


our understanding of transportation is changing in this country.... but not fast enough... there must be a way to get the message to the kids who live in car dependent families

I am going to listen to this again...

From the VP of MORE...

this is sort of Jack Handy....

Sadie Hawkins Alley Cat?!?!?!?


I do not disagree with the results of this quiz...

Mac Turns 30....

I think that this young man has a problem with a authority...

I am not sure... but I think there is a time to see a Hooker instead of Doctor... this would be one of those times

classic tom sawyer...

Brian Eno has had a beyond exceptional career... MUSIC PRODUCER OF EXTRAORDINARY SPAN

cold out there... may be ice skating on the canal cold... but not certain

watching this... not right now... but at home


this photo is from the 1960's...

almost cried this is so funny...

cool wall ride

lots of excitement at the Cyclocross Nationals last weekend in Boulder... I did not follow it closely but enjoyed what trickled down to me

ah... the C&O Canal

not sure where this photo came from... I saw it on DrunkCyclist and thought it was amusing... but really... Lance Armstrong has taken up enough storage space in my brain for now... need to delete some mental files if I want to take any more in

cool to see these film images surface in the digital age... Dan Treado's All My Friends are Prizefighters

Full moon hike with Didg