
yo al... happy birthday

hurricane dean

it is true...

looking back to push me forward

someone mentioned that photoshoot in regardies

looking for inspiration

is my brother trying to tell me something?

a collection of images from one man's trip to amsterdam

the pumpkin circle.. the life cycle of the pumpkin

SEE I at ESL along with Yellow Fever

amazing time capsule


the decision has been made... focus back on the monkey

my wife's stolen bike

white's ferry

oh wiki... how did I doubt thee

wild bill dead at 68

SBC:shenandoah bike company

presidential cancer forum

less than one week away...

why blog about random people from a different time?

I often ask myself... how do they let that happen?

another piece of the puzzle which is bells of


rain... we need rain... but that does not mean that we always want rain

some stuff about singles...

promises promises


it has been a good day

bells of... more photos creeping out of the past into the future

folding helmet?

contrasting stories involving bicycles in the news...

not a pretty day on the bike

i try to tell myself

rod with the bob trailer directed me to this link

CX Magazine

another two to one ratio

random bikes about town

psych yourself up do not psych yourself out