
Happy Halloween... Scott Scudamore is Smiling... and that makes me smile

Boys and School... and the unfairness of rewarding on group for their nature while punishing another group for their nature

agreed... Submissive Cycling Enables Aggressive Driving

Happy Halloween!

Jack... Jack-O-Lantern?

amusing video...

Star Wars Dubbed in Navajo

People Running for the Bus... a short film.... perhaps a commercial for bike share

I have never done the Goon Ride... I know I would just get dropped

some good advice from a trainer... I usually don't read this stuff... as my creed is "gentleman don't practice"

I think my son Dean was trying to describe something like this...

I ride my bike with my son!

jackass is a guilty pleasure

I got an idea for a costume for me... need to see if I can pull it together

bananas... fantastic fuel for the body


my first ride on my New Belgium Fat Tire Cruiser! Rode with Dean and Grant around town... ended up at City Lights of China at Dupont

come on... gotta do something with my archives of photos... especially my Poland shots

did I post this? I bet I did... either way... CHECK OUT THOSE LINES!

I have never been to Hooters... but I think I have said that before

I was never cool enough to be a Lou Reed fan...

Jay Moglia... long time DC Bicycle Messenger

beard brand.... beardbrand?

Grant on the New Belgium Fat Tire Cruiser... this bike is beautiful to look at and fun to ride

seasons have changed... summer is but a memory

fantastic randomness on the Gwadzilla Page

Capital BikeShare and the US Capitol Building

ran into a cowboy and a zombie on our way home from dinner last night....

the woman who designed and built those pillars died in a car accident in rock creek park

I want to be a cowboy.

Happy Birthday L the R

Sue Haywood shared this gem for Throwback Thursday....


cyclocross is not exactly on my brain

I ride my bike with my son!

so many great stories from DCCX.... and I missed it... the MoCo Epic was awesome and worth it... but I still feel as if I missed DCCX

this is funny... if and only if you went to Saint Mary's College of Maryland

The MoJo Epic

Nice beard beardo

Why can't we all just get along?

just put a handful of random photos on the Gwadzilla Facebook Page

some shots of Graham from our bike ride on the eve of the end of the shutdown